r1 - 28 Aug 2006 - 14:11:44 - PaulTavolatoYou are here: TWiki >  Main Web  >  MainObjectives > PedagogicalAndDidacticApproaches

Fundamental pedagogical and didactic approaches and concepts

The aim of this European communication and knowledge management network in the field of music education is not so much to emphasize particular pedagogical concepts, but rather to make the various approaches to music education in Europe understandable and transparent. However, when examining the way the current forms of music education are appraised and when developing criteria, for example to assess good practice models, particular importance is attached to the following aspects:

  • More emphasis on “student-centred” learning as opposed to “teacher-centred” teaching
  • Shift of emphasis from a focus on “input” (i.e. what should the students or pupils be taught?) to a focus on the results achieved by the course (”output” – what skills and abilities have been acquired by the end of the course?). It is this notion that forms the basis for elaborating learning outcomes for the training of music teachers.
  • Cross-cultural attitudes and activity on the basis of mutual appreciation
  • Examination of the forms and importance of cultural heritage with a view to the future

-- meNet project team - 28 Aug 2006

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