
The European Network for Communication and Knowledge Management in the field of Music Education.

This website contains information about the project for the general public. For more detailed access you need to be an AssociatedPartner to the project.

Klick here for the MainObjectives of meNet.

The coordinating team of the project is made up of FranzNiermann and IsoldeMalmberg.      Institut für Musikpädagogik Wien

meNet consists of three main working groups:

For the common ethical principles of the meNet group see Ethical Statement.
Die gemeinsamen ethischen Grundsätze der meNet-Gruppe sind in der ethischen Erklärung festgelegt.

Here you can find current PolicyPapers of the meNet Group. Hier finden Sie aktuelle EmpfehlungsSchreiben der meNet Gruppe.

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pdfpdf 071016-Schools21_ENx.pdf manage 89.3 K 01 Jul 2008 - 18:12 PaulTavolato Schools for the 21st century - from the perspective of music educatrion
pdfpdf 071016-Schulen21_DEx.pdf manage 87.1 K 01 Jul 2008 - 18:13 PaulTavolato Schulen für das 21. Jahrhundert - aus der Sicht der Musikpädagogik
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History: r67 - 01 Jul 2008 - 18:14:35 - PaulTavolato
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