Music Education in Poland

I. Political Framework. 2

II. School System and Structure. 3

III. Music Education in Schools. 4

IV. Curricula. 5

I. Political Framework

Poland is a democratic republic based on a parliamentary constitution. Poland is a republic consisting of 16 counties (województwa). The head of the state is the president, while the government is headed by the prime minister. The school system is governed by three ministries: the Ministry of National Education (MEN), the Ministry of High Schools (MNiSW) and the Ministry of Culture and the National Heritage (MKiDN – responsible for music schools). The school system is the same across the country.

II. School System and Structure

Primary school (Szkoła podstawowa) Years 1 to 6

The Primary School (Szkoła podstawowa) lasts 6 years (beginning at the age of 7 with the so-called zerówka – preparation at the age of 6, which is not compulsory), and is divided into the 1st and 2nd level.

1st level: Years 1 to 3: subjects are not taught individually; the curriculum is taught by means of integrated thematic units

2nd level: year 4 to 6.

Secondary education I. (Gymnasium) – Years 7 to 9.

Secondary education II. (Liceum) – Years 10 to 11, 12 or 13

The liceum lasts for 3 or 4 years, finishing with the school-leaving exam. Here are different possible forms of the liceum:

1        liceum ogólnokształcące (3 years) – grammar school

2        liceum profilowane (3 years) – specific education in particular subjects

3        technikum (4 years) - technical school / college

4        zasadnicza szkoła zawodowa - training institution (without the final exam, 2 or 3 years), followed by:  uzupełniające liceum ogólnokształcące, or - technikum uzupełniające (both finishing with the final exam that entitles university admission).

III. Music Education in Schools

Music education is compulsory in all primary and grammar schools in Poland. At the Liceum, if it is included in the list of subjects, music is taught as part of the subject Wiedza o kulturze, which includes different spheres of culture (especially arts and music). It is possible to graduate in the history of music, providing a pupil has undertaken a two-year preparation in the form of seminars. The minimum amount of music lessons at primary schools and grammar schools is complemented by various optional subjects (such as choir lessons, instrumental ensembles, music drama), depending on the possibilities of the school.


Type of school / years

Class / name

Lessons / week


Primary school, age 7-9, 1st level (music included in the integrated education)

Years 1 to 3, “Edukacja zintegrowana


Class teacher


Primary school, age 10-12, 2nd level

Years 4 to 6, “Muzyka” (Music)

2 in three years *

Music teacher

Secondary education I (grammar school), age 13-15

Years 7 to 9, “Muzyka“ (Music)


1,5 in three years **

Music teacher


Secondary education II (Liceum), age 16-18 ***

Grades 1 to 3, “Wiedza o kulturze

1 in three years

Music teacher


* The head teacher of the school decides how many lessons will be taught a year.

** The subject is combined with art education subsidised with 3 lessons in three years (1.5 lessons for music).

*** There are specialised schools (Liceum) in Poland that focus on teaching music (theoretical and instrumental education) called Liceum Muzyczne. The student can apply for admission to a music academy after graduating from this school.

IV. Curricula

Primary school (Szkoła podstawowa)

1st Level

Content of music education:

·      development of musical imagination and musical skills based on recognition of sounds (human or instrumental) and basic practice of singing and instrumental playing, rhythmic education according to the Dalcroze methodology,

·      training of sound perception,

·      singing of folk and children’s songs.

2nd Level

Content of music education:

·      solo and choral singing,

·      instrumental playing,

·      rhythmical movement games,

·      music perception,

·      national and folk music.

Secondary I (Gymnasium)


·      increase the capabilities of the individual voice, keep the voice in good health, permanent control of singing and correct articulation, singing songs with 2- or 3-part harmony, folk songs, national songs, songs from all over the world,

·      listening, singing songs in major and minor scales, solmisation, composing easy melodies in connection with lyrics, musical games,

·      rhythmic education based on the Dalcroze methodology.

Instrument playing:

·      performing of music with different easy rhythmic / melody instruments (Orff instruments), reproduction of different motifs, melodies, improvisation, production of different sounds

·      using Orff instruments,

·      expressing own impressions on music instruments.


·      musical elements and analysis of compositions, importance of Polish composers (Chopin, Moniuszko),

·      relation(s) between composer and composition,

·      active listening to music in connection with singing, playing instruments, movement and language,

·      description of musical impressions in the student’s own words.

Music and Movement:

·      performance of different dances based on national dances: Krakowiak, Polonaise, Mazur, Oberek, Kujawjak,

·      creation of own movement by listening to music,

·      body percussion activities and own improvisations,

·      creating contrasts to rhythms, melodies, music pieces or dynamics using body percussion.

Music and Drama:

·      using different musical activities to perform drama (e.g. fairy tales),

·      integration of the arts into the general pedagogical process,

·      connection of music in drama and film.

Secondary II (Liceum)

·      theory and history of music,

·      principals of copyright,

·      knowledge of the musical history of pupils’ own region.