Music Teacher Training in France

I. Background / Organisation

II. Curriculum

IV. Assessment / Examination

I. Background / Organisation

Primary School

Music teaching training takes place at universities. The responsible department for this is known as CFMI (Centre de Formation de Musiciens Intervenent à l’école élémentaire et pré-élémentaire).

The CFMIs have existed in France since 1984. There are nine CFMI in all over the country. In these centres, instrumentalists and singers study for two or three years to acquire the DUMI (Diplôme d'Université de Musicien Intervenant). With this title, one can work as a musicien intervenant at kindergarten and, at primary school, as an important member of the school team. The task of a musicien intervenant is to offer all children a music education of quality. So the musicien intervenant is

·      a well trained musician,

·      an educationist,

·      a participant in local cultural life,

·      able to work as part of a team.


And the main tasks s/he has are:

·      developing musical projects in schools or in music schools in cooperation with pedagogical teams,

·      carrying out evaluations of concerts, performances and other work,

·      organising, preparing and being active in involving young people in music,

·      conceiving and translating pedagogical tasks into action,

·      making links between kindergarten, primary schools and music schools.

So the musicien intervenant can work in kindergarten and primary schools, music schools, cultural associations, hospitals, old people’s homes, in jails, as part of a team for music and arts, introducing students to concerts, musical performances, the work of orchestras, theatres and social and cultural centres, etc.

Secondary School

During 2008, as stipulated by the law for “priorities and curriculum in the future of school”, the Institutes Universitaires de Formation de Maîtres (IUFMs) became “schools within universities”. The State defines specifications for professional teacher training within a national framework. The IUFMs meet a dual requirement: they reassert the place of teacher training courses within higher education and they define teacher training courses as alternate programmes of taught and work experience components. So the IUFMs, in line with government guidelines on education, are responsible for initial teacher training. They also implement in-service training programmes and take part in research on education. The IUFMs provide prospective teachers with appropriate training, supporting them to become successful candidates for the recruitment exams and to fulfil their role as education professionals.

The “Conférence des Directeurs d’IUFM” (CDIUFM) is a committee that brings together the directors of the 31 post-graduate teacher training institutes in France. The CDIUFM is a place for dialogue and consistency; it ensures the representation of the IUFMs in relation to their national and international institutional partners.

At the end of their training, music teachers are awarded the CAPES (Certificat d'Aptitude de l'Enseignement Secondaire[1]). This certificate was introduced at the IUFM (Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres[2]) in 1991. In order to be admitted to the programme, candidates must have a university entrance qualification (baccalauréat) and they must have completed three years of study at university after the school leaving certificate.


II. Curriculum

Primary School

The Primary degree course lasts two or three years and the title of the qualification one attains is called the DUMI (Diplôme d'Université de Musicien Intervenant). The curriculum is organised into the following eight modules:

1     Vocal training

2     Instrumental training

3     Other ways of expression

4     Knowledge in sound

5     Listening, analysing, history

6     Pedagogy, Psychology

7     Knowledge in the environment

8     Devising a project and translating it into action.


Practice at school takes place alternately with the courses and according to the different modules.

Initial Training

First year:

·      4 days observation as an active teacher.

·      2 weeks observation at a kindergarten.

·      About 20 contributions per week during one academic year.

·      1 week observation at a primary school.

Second year:

·      1 week for sketching projects for the year (work supported by lectures). About 20 contributions per week during one academic year.

In-service Training

A practicum of 500 hours takes place during the three academic years in the institution where the candidate usually works.

Secondary School

There are two ways of becoming a secondary school teacher: CAPES and Agrégation. Training for the CAPES (Certificat d'Aptitude de l'Enseignement Secondaire[3]) lasts for 2 years. The first year consists of pre-studies as well as a first contact with classes and individual teaching situations. The Agrégation is accessible to all who hold a «Maîtrise», a teaching certificate, as well as for teachers who have no permanent appointment. As with CAPES, the training lasts for 2 years.

CAPES and/or Agrégation are necessary qualifications to successfully complete training at an IUFM. Acquiring an IUFM diploma is a prerequisite for getting permanent employment as a music teacher. In the course of a year, the trainee teaches 4 to 6 hours at a secondary school (Collège[4]) and at the same time attends lectures at the IUFM on two days of the week.

IUFM institutes are also responsible for further education und training of teachers. The courses offered support members of the teaching staff in developing new approaches and extending their professional knowledge to fulfil modern requirements in education. Further education and training programmes are organised by the individual academies.

IV. Assessment/Examination

Primary School

Admission Requirements for the 2-year Training Course

·      General studies: university entrance qualification plus two year’s study at university in any field or two year’s work or training in a pedagogical or musical field.

·      Musical praxis: sound instrumental training

The application includes a curriculum vitae and letter of application. Musical skills tests and knowledge tests can only be made after an invitation from the commission.

Admission Requirements for the 3-year Training Course

·      General studies: likewise

·      Musical praxis: likewise

Particular conditions of admission are that candidates must

·      be at least 26 years old,

·      demonstrate professional experience,

·      be active in an educational post of some kind or on leave.


The DUMI (Diplôme d'Université de Musicien Intervenant) is a university title. The student must pass a certain number of exams in order to obtain it. There are both intermediate and final examinations.

Secondary School

Admission exams for CAPES: They are held nationwide and are organised in two phases: a written and an oral exam. The written exam consists of a test in music theory (notation and music dictation, commentary to extracts of three pieces of music, harmonics) and a second exam in which the candidate has to present a written paper on an interdisciplinary topic. In the oral exam, candidates have to work out and perform an instrumental arrangement, conduct a choir and also pass an education exam[5].

Admission exams for Agrégation: In the written exam the candidate has to hand in a paper on one of the topics published in the official journal. This is followed by an exam in music theory and the harmonisation of a tune. The oral exam consists of a teaching session in front of the examination board, conducting a choir, commenting on a piece of music and auditioning on the instrument.


Further information

Centre de Formation de Musiciens Intervenent à l’école élémentaire et pré-élémentaire (CFMI)

Le site du musician intervenant

Centre de Formation des Enseignants de la Musique (CEFEDEM)

Other sites of interest

Médiathèque de la Cité de la musique

Èducation musicale et technologies de l’information, de la crèation et de la communication

Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication

Ministère de l’Education Nationale

ÈduSCOL – Le site pédagogique du ministère de l‘Èducation nationale

EDUMUSIC – Moteur de recherche

[1] Diploma for Teaching at Secondary School.

[2] University Institute for Teacher Training.

[3] Diploma for Teaching at Secondary Schools.

[4] See chapter about Music Education in France.

[5] CAPES exams and competitions as well as Agrégation are presented in detail in the appendix.