Examples of Practice in Context IntroductionTwo major tasks of the meNet project were to present information about the structures and content of music education in schools; and about ways in which teachers are trained in music for class teaching in schools in 20 countries in Europe. The Music Education in schools task has taken into consideration the position of music in the school curriculum in each country; and the balance and emphasis of content as presented in current curriculum documents. Similarly the Music Teacher Training group has described the structures, curricula, and assessment procedures used in the 20 different countries. To illuminate and exemplify this information a small number of ‘Models of Good Practice’ were to be commissioned. Through discussion within the groups it was decided that a more appropriate strategy was to collect a larger number of examples from a wider range of represented countries. It was felt that the unique opportunity presented by the Project – to share practice in this way – was too important to limit. Criteria for choosing examples were agreed and a format for presentation and length of written text and audio/visual material adopted. The discussion about the nature of ‘good’ practice and whether it was appropriate to see examples as ‘models’ continued to occupy us. Given the very different cultural, political and educational contexts that shape the aims, content and practices in schools and training institutions across Europe, it was felt to be a difficult and contentious task to attempt to present a small number of examples as ‘models of good practice’. A model may suggest exemplary practice or a practice to be emulated by others – and, although we believe that we have chosen good examples, they need to be understood and appreciated in, at least, their national context. All the examples reflect what is considered to be ‘good’ practice in that community’s practice but we are not suggesting that such examples are necessarily appropriate for transfer to other contexts. They stand as illuminations of their context. Thus we have renamed these as ‘Examples of Practice in Context’. On the other hand we believe that we can learn a great deal from such examples. Teachers and teacher educators tend to be inevitably rooted in their own education system and the opportunity to learn about other systems and practices is hard to come by. Information about schooling and teacher training at a national level can tell us a great deal – specific and detailed descriptions makes it more tangible. And through such examples we may come to review our own experience afresh and question why things are as they are, and how they might be improved. Each Example of Practice is presented as a text which may include photographs or audio/video clips. They should be read with reference to the relevant music education or music teacher training texts which provide the national context.