project is aimed at developing tools and methods helping teachers in their
pedagogical efforts to introduce new quality to the teaching/learning
process, enhancing lesson units in the curricula of pre- and primary schools.
It will provide abundant material for working out effective modules /thematic
programmes and lesson units that involve elements of culture and arts,
stimulating children’s creativity and helping them build sound criteria for
quality and aesthetic values.
essence of the project, its working schedule and the planned activities are
aimed at acquainting pre-school children with the cultural treasures of
different European peoples, alongside a number of notions from the fields of
ethics and aesthetics. An important part of the project is animating and
adding informative value to the program material with the help of arts
specially chosen for each subject and lesson.
project is designed to ensure the active participation and collaboration of
parents, artists, educational authorities, and the local and international
community. The results and new methodologies will be broadly disseminated
among colleagues, educational authorities and decision makers. All project
activities, events, and results will be documented by using the latest
technology such as CD-ROM, internet websites, digital cameras and digital